I prefer to be contacted via: Phone Call, Text Message, Email
Contact: (470) 800-9292 // syun@healcounselingandconsulting.com
I have specialized in treating survivors of abuse and trauma and received certifications to provide trauma focused treatment to work with survivors of violence, trauma, and torture. However, I have extensive experience working with individuals and families dealing with a wide range of challenges including anxiety, depression, family systems issues and conflicts, difficulty with adjustments, grief and loss, and acculturation issues. I am a general EMDR practitioner and a candidate for certification. I also utilize narrative and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help clients come to a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. I also utilize a family systems perspective and encourage family members to collaborate in the therapeutic process as much as possible. Additionally, I am also able to assist both English and Korean speaking clients.
Specialties: Trauma, anxiety, depression
Issues: Trauma, anxiety, depression
Types of Therapy Offered: Individual
State(s) licenced in: GA